

Next course 15th & 16th December in Derby or at your Spa on a date of your choice.

So here’s one for the business owner with multiple staff, wanting to implement new therapies.

For the total cost of sending four therapistis to our academy in Derby we can come to you and teach up to eight for the same price. It’s 2 days in person, 14 case studies and a certificate in a maximum of three months.

As a modality, I think a reflexology is the absolute bees knees! I’ve been a reflexologist for over 25 years and been teaching it for 17.

As a spa therapy, in my humble opinion, it’s as powerful, if not more than a full body treatment. Therapists LOVE learning it and offering it. It’s soooo adaptable. On a treatment menu, reflexology can stand completely alone, or it can go alongside a massage or a facial. You can offer the full 60 minute version, create a luxury 90 minute version which includes legs and a foot ritual or sneak in a mini version at the end of a treatment. If you’ve got staff who are not occupied, it’s the perfect upsell to a client booked for a facial. You can get creative with the possibilities.

I always said I could just be a reflexologist and do nothing else all day.

Over the years my students have been fascinated by the principles and healing benefits of reflexology.

In short, the foot is like a little map of the body where all the body systems and organs can be mapped and worked on.

Healing and profits are not always discussed in the same sentence but in this case they probably should be. For a spa business, it’s an absolute must. It’s low-cost with high reward and the client benefits from a modality that dates back at least 3,000 years.

Reflexology allows you to create a treatment which is bespoke to your business. It doesn’t need to be affiliated with a product house or an external brand. We help you to create an experience which says something about you and your business. We go way beyond delivering the course and the qualification. You can get excited and be creative about exactly how that looks and feels.

I would say you CAN’T AFFORD to not to be offering it!

Please drop me a message anytime and we can discuss how you can implement reflexology into your business, within less than three months, with fully qualified therapists – and a bespoke experience!

Thank you for reading this months blog, Reflexology. If you would like more information please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Have a lovely day,

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