You can’t become a therapist in 2 days

You can’t become a therapist in 2 daysThis is a HOT TOPIC!! An unregulated industry, short courses coming out of our ears, online qualifications with zero attendance and the list goes on.

Here are the common questions I’m asked …

  • Can I learn massage from scratch in 2 days (or any treatment for that matter)?
  • What about the theory?
  • Am I safe to go off and practise?
  • What if I forget the routine?
  • What if I need help after the course?

Deciding to take a short course to learn any modality is a choice. The courses are out there so I suggest doing your research. Before you start, you must decide what your goal is. Are you going to be working for yourself or an employer?


If you’re going to find a job, it’s most likely an employer will want you to have any of the following:-

  • an NVQ
  • a VTCT
  • a FHT
  • an ITEC
  • or a CIDESCO

Check with employers

They’re all different and the qualification they want you to have may be based on the requirements of their insurance company or their specific requirements. It’s also all about standards. Each qualification will have its unique set of criteria be it case studies, number of hours, theory modules and assessments.

Back in the day when I started out, the above were the only options. My qualifications include NVQs, VTCT and ITEC. If I had the choice then to take a short course, what would I have done? I certainly would have done the research and made comparisons.

Recognised Qualifications

I eventually ended up working abroad so these recognised qualifications served me well. Years later when I returned to the UK, short courses were fresh on the market, and I started teaching reflexology as a 2 day course. Keep in mind that I’d done it as part of a year long ITEC Diploma. I soon added Swedish massage, facials, manicures and pedicures and Indonesian massage to the list of courses I was teaching. I found students went away feeling pretty confident, completed their case studies and started working. In those first 7 years of teaching for Pinks Training Academy, there were no more than 2 students who didn’t receive their certificate. They couldn’t get the hang of the treatment, and it just wasn’t for them.

Short courses

This is where the answers lie to the questions at the beginning. What was different about these students and how could I teach in 2 days what I’d taken a year to learn in the past?

  • Short courses focus on the practical. 2 days of practical equates to at least 10 hours. This is often the same or more practical than you’ll do on a 3 or 4 month course. I remember my ITEC reflexology was excellent, but most evenings started with theory and a little practical would be thrown in
  • The onus is on the student to continue their learning of the anatomy and physiology. The foundational knowledge, guidance and written materials are provided but the learning must be ongoing. If you’re serious about taking this path, then you’ll continue your learning
  • You’re NOT a massage therapist after 2 days. You’re a student, equipped with a solid routine and basic knowledge. You should have the confidence to go off and practise and complete your case studies

I can safely say that all of the above areas are my focus. The majority of my students were and still are mature students, women with different careers making a choice for their future. The majority, very serious about their choice and giving it full focus and with the right tools and training, equipped to go and make a success of it.

Necessary tools to get started

The beauty of the short course in my eyes is that it’s not a massive time and financial commitment but it should give you all the necessary tools to get started. You may decide to go and take a longer course once you’re a little more experienced or you’re clearer on the route you want to take.

It should include help and advice on getting started, offer some form of ongoing support and inspire you to feel clear and confident about where you’re going.

Best of luck!!

Side note: all my students have the choice of being added to a private facebook group for on-going support. They have access to my mobile, social media and also a monthly zoom call.

Next in person course

Thank you for reading this months blog, You can’t become a therapist in 2 days. If you would like more information please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Have a lovely day,

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